Sunday, October 13, 2019


DEAR Rian, (non Mom alert)

Let me tell you about YOU punk. You've even has punk gothic tattooing. GROSS.
Sure she claims female but whew she acts like the cootie maker of the bunch. Her name is a dudes name and I’m Sure we can all use my knowledge on health, wealth and happiness in the meantime but cradle robbery and parental alienation have GOT to come to a steady halt let this work be your awareness and let the good times roll.
Hayden is old enough to choose to come home and the number one rule is that they stay together so guess who is coming back to live with their bio Mom as I’m called. Yep, Hayden Mitchel and Logan Wayne.
I’m cradle robbed, and alienated as a perfect Mother and have been for years. Once time started seeming too long I started putting a couple years of time in my heart as the actual length of what it was seeming like it would be for me emotionally if I ever wound stepped all over by the Marine Corps. Of which they have never done as a whole.
It's sick that as a beautiful woman the only help I am ever able to find always ends up just being someone trying to get their dick wet in exchange for favors. I know that part makes many losers tickled inside but it's just the truth. The so called game. Well my life isn’t a game. My son turns 12 tomorrow and I can’t get ahold of the step mom to save my life. All it would take is a quick hello through the phone to my oldest babe on his birthday. Oh and Rian aka Gniaread is well aware of how emotional and sweet and fragile me and my ex mother-in-law have kept Mr. Hayden and Logan just by never having to tell them “No” hahaha. 


Where the hell is my CPS rescue case anymore? Hallelujah. Whatever award I get I would like Carla to receive a duplicate of the amount because of all of her keeping thoughts of me warm. I know it's going to be a disgusting amount of money for someone like her to get ahold of but damn. A 3rd Disney included. 

Hope is the ability to hear the melody of the future. Well what’s new is now and what next is new.
The troubles I’ve found in this Step Moms character defects really all began to be apparent when she refused to lower my children gluten levels so that they wouldn’t be as hyper. In all the years of time away from my boys that chick had the balls to call me one time when she couldn’t get Hayden to settle down because according to Him he wasn’t allowed to pick his shoes out at the PX. Personally if this is the only thing this woman has had trouble with from my two boys all this time than that’s nothing. 
The reason I asked to change their diets up is so that they continue to grow into healthy sized men and do not go through like a freshman 15 stage in college someday when they aren’t in our pantries anymore.
Keto food are foods that qualify. All Keto foods would be accepted for my children.  Health wealth and happiness. However don’t rely on the internets knowledge of what extact;y being introduced to the diet is like. Keto basics that book gets you going in the right direction. Keto foods are foods that have high fat, low carbohydrate and are packed with protein. Keto is a state of being that is defined as ketosis and is the production of ketones in the blood being burnt instead of carbohydrates. Ketosis is something you can easily come in and out of but should be achieving at all times. Even the best keto following dieters have the alter things to remain in ketosis over time. 
The goal for my diet plan, if you all wanted is to be able to shrink everything molecule of my food so I can recluse in on what I’m eating and find that shit alone at its purest source instead of trying to satisfy all the random taste options out there. Jared did not think I was boring he sees that secret in bland about his personality finally flowering. Rian is not behind his fucking arms either. That man and I honestly are just a head away from what you all desire. Hayden and Logan are glooty and that’s why they are gloomy. I have requested that this step mom change things up for of all things health, wealth and happiness. Yet she is just a level behind the next level basic we all devour our daily life and entertainment with. Guess what. I know how it feels to be the mom with a bad fucking step mom. Surprise, there’s no hiding it at some points in the future so I might as well take suit and show you just how unlucky of a step mom I truly have on my hands y’all. The proof is tremendous and the facts are baffling. Honestly I don’t know where high school hack games became my conversation as an adult but it’s been substantial. To my laughter, the all of this. Like I said. Well we said, my mother friends and I don’t ask about immunizations because we don’t wanna hear your opinion. Every baby is different so use our knowledge and research for yourself and don’t imply that on my children’s health because that’s pure jealousy spewing from the mouths of. Looking for advice? The ONLY thing I’ll say about the topic is if you’re feeling internally confused, worried or concerned then just wait till 15 months for those 12 months shots for your one year olds! The mouths of babes are not filled with anything but love in my world and I’m ready to be able to fully treat and mend and take care of nourish my boys that are ready to finish becoming men away from the ugliest step mother that has ever existed. Little boys NEED their father at a certain time in their lives and so that’s why I have obeyed my sons wishes to stay with their Daddy a little longer before moving away from the Marine Corps and back to a regular happy life to wait for their Dad to finish up His career. Of course we’ll keep anyone who needs to know how their lives turn out for your own sanity in the loop otherwise you can just take this as your birthday invasion invitation and go buy your friends kid their gift and then go clean your kitty litter box and get back to your own life because I quite frankly could find sanity in knowing that Jesus lived alone and in that fact alone and well my friends don’t have to ask. They know. They’re just included. Anyway my happiness and curiosity to keep up does not come about based off of others actions. Their doings are pleasures and the words of late have been pure hate. Hate is for haters, I’m no hater.

Do you know what a pretend band aid is for a little one? Um, Everything.
I don’t do two of anything, just for the feeling. So for instance this Step Mom... there is so much about this person that this one word could describe - lack. I had to make this whole chapter dedicated to the cause. Whether this will create change or not I don’t ponder on but if you wondered yourself if it will, for her, the answer is um uh no! First of all, just to name a few areas she lacks good manners, good sleep, good speech and worst of all good feet. Her candles don’t overwhelm us her decorations are dilapidated and her cankles are just fucked ankles. Shit they ramen solidified. You know where you eat the bag of ramen dry and then drink the powder like a glut and basically explode your ketosis control panel, aka the fat burning chemicals in your brain hard wiring. Gross! There’s no changing her is the sad part and I’m talking from years of effort and patience. 
She calls herself the pig lady and well god forbid anyone out “pig collect” 😩 my Aunt patty the ultimate collector.  For whatever reason this is the part that makes me tickle. Just her like embodying a Pig because of a known love totally a different way of being weird but yeah way way not my style. I’m never weird. Oh and to know someday her pig collection. Whatever it may consist of will be a part of my Aunts random treasure. She embodies “pig laziness” FO SHO. 💯. She’s your go to for fucked hair facts and black box whacks. Her internet knowledge scares the bejesus out of my youngest and well in her world she is right about everything not to mention she has a tight bond with anime and drugs. According to her she is no druggie. Just hair follicle test this brat and I’m sure the proof will speak for itself. I mean cigarette smokers are druggies in this crack/coke heads mind. Stass is so not judgy this bish is Stass embodies opinions that many may judge or think are wrong but at least she walks to the beat of her own drummer right?. She thinks she runs my seat as Queen someday. All I have left to say about that is yea, nay. 

My Littles- 
I love my boys first and foremost before we get too enticed in their beauty I just want to put it out there that they are still dead set on all this chaos being just some sick selfish joke put on by Marine Corps and they still are too young to see how clueless this Step Mother really is. I have so much respect and love for the military it's just sad that things are a point where I have to publish a book in order to be heard by at least one other sane individual. The level of not being a basic badass this chick retains is wild. Hayden Mitchel is my oldest son, and we spell Mitchel with one L in our family (it’s a family name)


Ever broken something down, gathered it, crammed it, shook it up, reset it and let it roll out? Well that’s all we all need to do with our “know how” I promise, I’m all out doing ya and still not seeing where my friends think those that are too fierce to swallow their pride are worth our time anymore I mean like after reading what just was said. It’s like cleaning your room your take all this clutter and stuff down and out and empty things so you can clean the bases and the items and go from there. All our bodies besides like my trainer could use a healthy “mental breakdown”. It’s like too much gathered info and false facts at this point to where literally your minds are full of every corner of the grocery store continually. You are what you eat. You don’t like your face then don’t stuff it and forget this taste. Kinda thing. Still don't like it looks like it ya be that next thing you just can't live without. It may be all said but honestly why are there still factories producing this bull crap, in America at least. Like Doritos...ew oh want FACTNE factual acne then go ahead go get your next “chip” and be sure you actually touch your face a little bit more. Oh and remember the rest too. What a joke.

Yeah lets get to this topic by keeping what love is out of the equation and by being short and sweet.
So love is a feeling. Love is what God describes Himself as when giving off acronyms. He says that love is what we aim to say that we contribute and score to see where we fall and stay on as far a s romance goes. I’ve been single for a lot of time looking for new friends and people to work with,hang out with, laugh with and so on. It’s not easy for people to get to know a guy named Jesus when rumors and gossip back in the day was a thing unheard of. So you can omagine when Jesus would show up He would have to describe to them how he is just Love, in love, having love whatever you must call it. However we all know God is truly not just a feeling he is fully still a man. Growing up i was raised in a household where friends of the oppisite sex exsist even if youve been married and are high school sweethearts. I found that the biggest fear throughout the past couple of years has been the concerning number of people that cheat on you. I don't want to be cheated on it's just a waste of my time and energy and so I with that being said it's definitely the last thing I would ever be is JEALOUS of this crazy step mom. If I could write down codes that would get this point across to her she would finally see how little I care about her and her ways of being a bitch. Jealousy is a bitch so embody love and affection and you’ll steer clear of rejection from jealousy. Jealousy is like the deadliest sin. Gross. The deadliest sin suicide and its considered the most horrible one but being jealousy is like it because you lose sight of the bigger picture and begin to worry about what people think. Greif is Love with no place to go. We grieve with hope. Which stands for Hold, On, Pain, Ends. Greif is the last act of Love we have to give those we loved. Where there is deep grief, there was great love. Amira Miller the girl who lost her boy toy recently. I mean like he was trusted with girlfriends while she moved away to grow and everything. So tragic. Just really so soon to go for that man. Amira has hope, forsure. Her mouth speaks from that which fills her heart. The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still. Need more guidance? Research Luke 6:45 or something.
 Strive to be alive because you are surviving. Those fat teenagers are just living and belching. Gross.


Not sure why it matters. Just like singing. However butt wiping and doin it correctly yes that matters..Kim, just ask my Mom how she feels about cleaning and being really sterile.. (Coughs*)


Morals are codes.....(insert term paper facts here..and so on.. Here’s my actual term paper from college and well yall (YALL MEANS ALL) are more than welcome to grow your knowledge with it and run I hope...just too relatable to this how unmorally ruled in bitch to not share.)
If you live life using God’s treasures just to live and not to survive you are simply just living and no surviving and the goal is to master survival in this life. So as far as anyone is concerned just go ahead and get on back to kitty litter box because I have zero tolerance for bullshit and anyone just living these days with how hard life is seriously just get away from me and my ideas all together. Thanks ahead of time.

Being able to get the message across to step moms everywhere is the point of this loud production but honestly there isn’t a whole lot that my ex could have said to her about me that he remembers that she would ever have any reason to keep me out of my childrens lives but like this woman has just got to get real and quit being jealous of my perfect children. Jared, my ex husband, is all about pregnant women and I just think it’s so odd that she hasn’t had her own children yet. Maybe she would finally back off mine if she did. Hmm. Wait on the Lord be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart.

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