Monday, November 21, 2011

My New Rockin Haircut!

So the other day after a long and terrible day, I'm not exaggerating it was a pretty awful day I decided since I was already in the Palm Springs, CA area and close to my old job where I used to work called Raphael's Salon and Spa. That I would get a haircut just a trim because I had gotten a bad bleach job and lost a lot of hair on the top of my head. It was very traumatizing because I've always had trouble growing my hair out and well I went it and saw Cheryl Jordan, she's just an apprentice still but she's amazing and going to be huge someday! She told me we had to make my mess of a hair just look more messy like an organized mess so I being a licensed Cosmo myself knew what path she was headed down and I knew she wanted to cut my hair and well I was terrified to lose and length so I let Cheryl go to work and look at what and amazing job she did! Its an organized mess and as you can see I've even added in some feather extensions to really make my "mess" look like a mess ;)

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